
Taco Bell’s CEO On Remote Leadership

Taco Bell Corp. CEO Mark King opined on the subject of leadership in a pandemic in his most recent post on online publishing platform Medium.

The executive said he worried about the company’s corporate culture when COVID first hit and questioned if he could lead the team.

“After sticking to an in-office routine for many years, I had to challenge myself to reconsider my presumptions around traditional corporate culture and assumptions about working from home,” King wrote. “Would I be able to onboard new members of my executive team successfully while working remotely? How would I help a struggling colleague without impromptu in-person conversations? I pushed myself to address these issues unconventionally and found that getting away from routine inspires creativity and new perspectives.”

Personal wellness check-ins have now become the norm, as have guest speakers for virtual town halls to talk topics related to current events.

Individual resource groups, such as the new WomXn @ The Bell, is also one way the company’s addressing diversity and inclusion.

The company also capitalized on its drive-thru expertise by creating a Truck Thru at corporate headquarters for essential workers to pick up free meals earlier this year. The corporate Halloween party was also a drive-thru experience and the annual franchisee convention went virtual.

King said a corporate culture “embracing change” is what helped the company to quickly roll out its safety protocols this year and also speed up the rollout of the Taco Bell Go Mobile restaurant focused on servicing digital and the off-premise business.

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